KMS Electrical is a local business based in Skipton, North Yorkshire. They have been providing electrical services throughout Yorkshire, Cumbria and Lancashire for a number of years, but had never had an online presence.
When the client saw that a number of his competitors were able to rank highly with their websites on Google for search terms like “electricians in Skipton“, the client decided to get in on the action!
After the initial meeting with the client, we drew up a basic specification of what information the client needed on their new website and also a basic outline of the kind of design they were after.
We went away and produced a mock up design for the KMS Electrical site, and despite going down the wrong track with the colour scheme, a design was agreed upon and we began coding the website.
We designed the website to fit in with the rest of the KMS Electrical brand, including existing business cards, fliers and even their electricians van!
Platform: Basic HTML Site
Services Used By Client: Graphic Design, Logo Design, Image Manipulation, Coding, Web Hosting